Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Moral Development Moral And Character Development

Moral and Character Development Although moral development has addressed from different models or approaches to psychological and educational, it is the cognitive-developmental approach; they are given more importance. For the definition of the cognitive, means that moral development has its bases in the stimulation of the reasoning of the person about circumstances and decisions regarding situations of interpersonal relationship. The role of thinking is necessary, and above all the how and why the subject justifies and reasoned moral decisions. Also, it is an evolutionary model because it proposes a sequence of moral development through three stages; the preconvention, conventional, and the post-conventional, which progressively follow from reasoning less balanced and mature to a more advanced, and in turn, each level is subdivided into moral stages. While the neo-Kohlbergian approach is the conceptual framework of moral development par excellence, it has some limitations. The idea that sums up this entire hypothesis is the theoretical framework of Kohlberg focusing on the structure of thought. Although the approach of Kohlberg need modifications, this is needs to address the moral growth and, in general, understand the development and personal maturity, since the reasoning is an essential part of the care of moral. So an individual can better choose an option among the possible, you must know the moral principles that govern moral judgment right around underShow MoreRelatedAlice s Adventures, The Bfg, And The Invention Of Hugo Cabret Essay1414 Words   |  6 Pagesthe main characters in the novels mentioned before wouldn’t challenge their morals. 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