Sunday, December 29, 2019

Disparities in Transgender Population - 2131 Words

At Issue: Defining Transgender In today’s evermore politically correct society, the term transgender is loaded with various meanings and implications. The inability for a consensus to form as to universal meaning stems from various interest groups laying claim to the significance of the term. For instance, the term ‘transgender’ is often interchanged with ‘transsexual’ or ‘transvestite.’ The two conditions are wholly different separate from transgender. For the purposes of this paper, Andrew Solomon’s definition will suffice: â€Å"The term transgender is an encompassing term that includes anyone whose behavior departs significantly from the norms of the gender suggested by his or her anatomy at birth. The term transsexual usually refers†¦show more content†¦With the dawning of the twentieth century, progressive understanding of functions of the human brain, genetics, and how environment influences behavior helped to demystify early archaic theori es about human sexuality. Magnus Hirchsfeld, an early twentieth century physician and sex researcher, was one of the first medical professionals to offer an etiology for the concept of transgender that did not include moral bias. According to Stryker (2008) Hirschfeld coined the term, â€Å"’sexual intermediaries,’ the idea that every human being represented a unique combination of sex characteristics, secondary sex-linked traits, erotic preferences, psychological inclinations, and culturally acquired habits and practices† (pg. 39). Continuing his advocacy, Hirschfeld founded a committee called the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, which devoted itself to socially advocating on behalf sexual minorities, including transgender people (Stryker, 2008). Finally, in 1910, Hirschfeld published the first full-length book which tackled the issue of transgender, entitled The Transvestites (Hirschfeld, 1910). Hirschfeld has written previous books on homosexuality and other sexuality topics, however, The Transvestites is widely considered a seminal work as it clinically discusses the dissociation that transgender people feel to their pre-transition physical bodies (Hirschfeld, 1910). The general population routinely ignored activists like Hirschfeld and their ideas andShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On The Lgbt Community965 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is a despaired population? What does despaired mean? A despaired population is a group of people that reside in a specific region in the world or have a specific label to them that makes them less equal than other population groups across the nation. Disparity is defined as a lack of similarity or inequality (Disparity, 2015). 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Importance of Sex Education - 648 Words

centerbHIGH SCHOOLS MUST PROVIDE YOUNG PEOPLE WITH ADEQUATE SEX EDUCATION BECAUSE IGNORANCE CAN BE HARMFUL/b/centerbrbrThe largest gulf of understanding still remains between the parents and the youth especially in the area of sexuality. Sex is a natural part of life, and when questions arise, they can be discussed in a matured way without condoning certain behavior. Relying to that, we realize that sex education is important to be inserted in a persons life. Therefore, sex education in high schools is very necessary for youngsters to acquire information, form attitudes, beliefs and values about identity, relationships and intimacy. Sex education also encompasses sexual development, affection, body image and gender roles. In†¦show more content†¦Despite that, sex education plays a major role in addressing concerns and correcting the misunderstandings that the youngsters may have gained from sources such as the media and their peers. In addition, they will learn to make decis ions that respect themselves and others by taking account the possible consequences. For instance, youngsters will be more matured, responsible and social ills can also be reduced. Furthermore, research had shown that children that are subjected to sex education are more apparent to practice safer sex.brbrSome people might say that sex education could influence premarital marriage, leading to the increment of unwanted pregnancies. Conversely, a survey done in 1987 had shown that girls who were not educated about menstruation and sexual activity were much more likely to become pregnant during their teen years. There was also a statement from the Government Review of National and International Research in London that identified high school sex education as being effective in reducing teenage pregnancies. Based on the facts given, it clearly proves that sex education does not lead youngsters to social ills such as unwanted pregnancies. However, a slight problem might arise since sex ed ucation might be a new subject or program in most high schools. Therefore, the program should be planned carefully in conjunction with those who will participate and the parents. The program instructors also ought to receive adequate training and equipped withShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Sex Education987 Words   |  4 Pages Sex Education As a young adult, I feel that sex education should be taught in school by a qualified adult.In a perfect world, sex education should be taught in the home; however, with the rise of teenage pregnancy, it is evident that it is not being taught in the home. It is because of this alarming trend that I feel that it needs to be taught in school.Sex education provides many different benefits to the students. It can prevent unwanted pregnancies, reduce sexually transmitted diseasesRead MoreThe Importance of Sex Education1217 Words   |  5 PagesWith sex being a sensitive subject for parents to discuss with their children, they believe it is not appropriate to discuss these types of delicate subjects at any age. It is not because they don’t want to inform them, but because they want to protect them. Even though they don’t know that be keeping it from them, their children are far from safety every day. However, with today’s high birth rates at early ages, the question is no longer â€Å"should sex education be taught?† but â€Å"how sex education shouldRead MoreThe Importance of Sex Education528 Words   |  2 PagesSex education is something that should taken into consideration teaching lower class how to prevent themselves for having more children. Lot of the young adults have no idea of the usage of birth controls or condoms in every high school they should have sex education programs. Birth control and condoms should be handed out in public places for the lower class could get a hold of it also budgeting skills should be given to teach lower class how to save and manage their spending. The cost of livingRead MoreThe Importance of Sex Education Essay1209 Words   |  5 PagesWhen are children first exposed to sex? It is hard to control what a child is exposed to with the growing trend of sexual imagery in advertising, television, movies, and in the general public. An article, Children Learn Best by Observing Behavior of Adults, writ ten by Jodie Michalak states â€Å"While children will always have their own personality and emotions, they are constantly influenced by their environment† (2013). What and how children learn is a very significant part of how healthy our societyRead MoreThe Importance of Sex Education Essays701 Words   |  3 PagesSex education should be increased in schools. Nearly one million women under the age of 20 get pregnant each year. That means 2800 women get pregnant each day. If students are educated about the effects sex has on their lives, it lessens their chance of having children at an early age. Knowledge about sex can also lessen the chance of kids receiving STDS. First of all, the main reason children have sex prematurely is because they are curious. Students lack knowledge about sex because they haven’tRead MoreEssay on The Importance of Sex Education 1296 Words   |  6 Pagesdistinguish right from wrong based on their previous knowledge. The education they receive plays a major role in the way they make decisions. Sex is a controversial topic brought up frequently throughout a childs life. Based on the way it is taught, the child makes decisions that may forever change his or her life. (Sex Education That 3) Although it is often opposed, the two most essential ways children learn about sex today is the education they receive at home and at school. The relationship andRead MoreThe Importance Of Proper Sexual Education On Sex1015 Words   |  5 PagesRay English 1301.3 20 November 2015 The Importance of Proper Sexual Education In life, high school especially, sexual education is very important and can truly impact a person’s life. Improper education on sex can lead to many life-changing mistakes. These blunders can be avoided with proper knowledge. Although students should be encouraged to remain abstinent, they should still be taught about contraception and practicing safe sex. With proper sexual education, abstinence rates will increase and theRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Importance Of Sex Education850 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Albert Einstein once said, ‘Education is not the learning of facts, It’s rather the training of the mind to think.’† Once the person learns about abstinence and the cons of sex, the mind will start to adapt to the fact that it is not good to do things. Sex education and learning about abstinence is a very important key to life because it can help reduce pregnancy rates and much more. It could lower the chances of catching a sexually transmit ted disease. Having sex education in classrooms can help kidsRead MoreThe Importance of Sex Educations in Schools Essay2285 Words   |  10 Pagestransmitted infections (STIs). By age 18, 70 percent of U.S. females and 62 percent of U.S. males have initiated vaginal sex (Klein, 2005). Comprehensive/realistic sex education needs to be instilled in schools because it is effective at assisting young people to make healthy decisions about sex and to adopt healthy sexual behaviors and habits. Comprehensive/realistic sex education has a monumental effect on today’s youth, resulting in a rabid drop in teen pregnancies, teen abortion rates, and sexuallyRead MoreThe Importance of Comprehensive Sex Education to Decrease Teen Pregnancies894 Words   |  4 Pagespregnancy rate among teenagers. Our teenage girls are less developed and unprepared for the problems which come along with their decision to have sex. It is also too early for teenage girls to become pregnant. Many teens think having a baby is some sort of joke. They believe it will never happen to them but the reality is that every time teens have sex, there is a possibility that the sperm will find its way to the egg if they do not get protection. As a nation, or society, it is in our common interest

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sheila and Gerald Essay Example For Students

Sheila and Gerald Essay Arthur Birling is a heavy looking, rather portentous man in his middle fifties with fairly easy manners but rather provincial in his speech  Mr Birling is an arrogant and recognisable capitalist. He doesnt like the communist idea of everyone helping each other:   The way some of these cranks talk and write now youd think everyone has to look after everybody else, as if we were all mixed up together like bees in a hive -community and all that nonsense He is strongly against socialism and solely believes that everyone is responsible for themselves and their own. He worked his way up the social ladder, and if he can then why cant everyone else do the same? Birlings feelings are summed up in the last sentence he says before the inspector arrives:   A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own  Through the middle of the dinner there is a knock at the door. This is where we meet Inspector Goole ready to disapprove Birlings point. He tells the family that a girl has committed suicide and that in one way or another they are responsible. The Inspector interrogates each of the Birling family in turn; with each of them he makes a point that they have acted selfishly and used Eva Smith. They didnt think about the effect they would have had on her life. The Inspector challenges us all to examine our consciences. Arthur Birling is a self made man. Priestly shows him to be a pompous, selfish, complacent man. He is certainly an influential figure within the community, a man that conveys respect. When the Inspector begins to question him, Mr Birling denies any knowledge of the girl. However, when presented with a photograph, remembers:   She was one of my employees and then I discharged her  Reasons for which later became apparent:   She had a lot to say too much she had to go  Apparently Eva Smith had led a strike at his factory due to poor pay and long hours. Still, after this revelation, Birling refuses to accept any responsibility for her death:   If we were all responsible for everything that had happened to everybody it would be very awkward Birling has a fair point here and it could be argued he was acting as a businessman, as many others would do. However, it is true to say that he was only acting in his own interests and was not particularly keen on aiding others. After accusations from the Inspector, Birling attempts to intimidate the Inspector, although his threats prove weak:   Now look here Inspector, I consider this uncalled for and officious. Ive half a mind to report you  The Inspector proves unconcerned as Birling continues to abuse his position as ex-lord mayor and associate of the Chief of Police. In conclusion to Arthur Birlings involvement in the death of Eva Smith, it is true to say that he did play a part in her downfall, although how little or how much is debatable as he can be seen as treating her as he would anyone else. What is relevant however, is how little concerned he appears to be, in fact denying that his actions had any consequence. This shows a distinctive trait of his character and emphasises what a single narrow- minded individual he is.  Sheila Birling, Arthurs daughter has a very different set of characteristics. As she recognises the woman in the photo, she runs out of the room as if in disgust of her previous actions, a complete contradiction to her fathers views. She later returns guiltily:   You knew it was me all along didnt you?  Immediately her character is shown to be sympathetic because of this guilt. Sheila then goes onto explain how she was totally responsible for Eva Smith loosing her job at Milwards, after jealousy got the better of her when she tried on a dress that didnt suit her as much as it did a sly smiling Eva:   I went to the manager at Milwards and I told him that if they didnt get rid of that girl, Id never go near the place again and Id persuade mother to close our account with them  This shows that Sheila, like her father, abused her position as a wealthy member of the community, who could influence others due to her relations. Sheila does however, feel great guilt for the actions that she committed, she agrees with the Inspector when he says:   You used the power you had to punish the girl .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 , .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .postImageUrl , .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 , .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419:hover , .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419:visited , .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419:active { border:0!important; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419:active , .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419 .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4a08f4e8b2a124344c0e1d971ec51419:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Othello and Richard III EssayUnlike her father, Sheila is full of sorrow and remorse for what she did, the Inspector supports her when stating:   She feels responsible  Sheila does in fact say that:-  I know I am to blame, and Im desperately sorry  Shelia is also the first to realise that the Inspector has a strange type of power, when Mrs Birling is arguing with him, Sheila warns her:   You mustnt try to build up a king of wall, the Inspector will just break it down and it will be all the worse when he does  This later becomes even more apparent when the plot evolves. Sheilas character is totally unlike that of her fathers, where she accepts responsibility. Ar thur Birling completely refuses to accept liability. It is obvious from what Sheila says that she believes that she is to blame and accepts responsibility. It is also clear to see that her character and views have been altered by the event and the impact of the Inspector. Gerald Croft, the only person who is not a direct relation to the Birling family, but is engaged to Sheila, also has a significant involvement with the death of Eva Smith. Gerald recognises the name Daisy Renton as soon as he hears the Inspector mention it. After at first trying to make Sheila leave the room, for reasons that become more apparent later, he tells the story of how he met Eva Smith, or as he new her Daisy Renton. He describes her as:   Very pretty soft brown hair and big dark eyes  Gerald claims to have rescued her from:   Horrible old Meggarty  in the County Hotel and set her up in a friends set of rooms, where she later inevitably, became his mistress. He is clearly upset by what has happened to her: She knew it couldnt last, She didnt blame me at all. I wish to God she had now. Perhaps Id feel better about it.  A question that must be asked however, is just how genuine is he? Gerald makes out as if he was merely trying to help Eva Smith and only later started a relationship with her, whether or not this is true is unknown. After the explanation, he makes excuses and leaves. Geralds involvement with Eva Smith is perhaps the least significant, for Eva Smith anyway, perhaps more for Sheila and Gerald. What is a fact is that Gerald did attempt to help Eva Smith, unlike all the others, who were simply punishing her out of spite. Or maybe Gerald was simply using her as his mistress for when he desired and he was guilty as the others in terms of responsibility. Even if Gerald had not been responsible for the death of Eva Smith, his actions certainly have a consequence as he is engaged to Sheila, who now knows that Gerald was actively having another relationship while they were together. This puts their relationship into doubt, something that no doubt Mr Birling would be displeased about. Mrs Birling shows characteristics in some ways, to be very similar to her husband, and denies any responsibility herself, instead choosing to blame others, which later becomes a very bad decision. Mrs Birling treats the Inspector in a patronising, threatening way:   I realise you may have to conduct some kind of enquiry, but I must say you seem to be conducting it in a rather peculiar and offensive manner. You know of course that my husband was Lord Mayor only two years ago  This shows how highly she thinks of herself and that she is ready to abuse her position, like other members of her family.